20 April 2023

Breaking news – Sustainable Finance

What’s new in sustainable finance?

Every week, Carbon4 Finance shares the latest headlines in sustainable finance.

The European Commission has responded to the questions submitted by the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) in September 2022 about SFDR and reiterates that it is a regulation based on transparency.

🇫🇷  ADEME published a statistical study analyzing 429 Article 29 reports, concluding that a large part of institutions has not submitted an Art. 29 report, and that among institutions that have, reported information is hard to compare.

📍G7 gathered in Sapporo, Japan, this weekend to set new collective targets for renewable energy development and accelerate the phase out of fossil fuels.

To the question : Which news do you find the most important ?

  • 53% have responded : Article 29 study
  • 37% : Commission’s answer to ESMA
  • 11% : G7 in Sapporo

The poll

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